Thursday, July 26, 2012

Body builders are ugly,

Toned men are a different story.

Using an anatomy book and several male models, this is the current result. The back I think is lookig great, so is the chest, but there is something not quite right with the abdomen although I like the set up. I'm also thing the man tits, pecks I mean, could be bigger?

Also I like having him shirtless, with those specific pants and boots alot, but I feel as if he's too simple/empty. Meh. We'll see how he looks when he's in a little environment.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Steampunk hmm?

I've spent all this time upgrading my Zbrush 4R2 to 4R3 via handy dandy ways.

The start of my Character, I'm on subdivision 5 at around 200k faces. Since his upper half is shirtless, I figure I don't need to worry about below the waist if he wears boots and baggy paints.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Character Modeling

Thinking of a Steampunk/Pirate design. I'm not sure what color palette I want or what boots I prefer, but the rest is a definite. 

This is a solid:
Veilyn – Dwellers of the wood, masters at amor crafting
Men: 6’1”
Women: 6’1”
Longer Hair
Skinner build
High endurance
Adaptive skin to any environment
-Gains immunities to debuffs and becomes more susceptible towards buffs over time.
-Levels speed and evasion 10% > other stats

Game Assets Class Week 1 Homework

Swords should be simple, they're ment to be functional and kill, not be the cause of one's death.