Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Week 3 work
UVs were cut by Iyan, Jay, and Jeff on various assets:

 Jeff's texture of the dungeon:
 Jeff has updated the terrain:

I know Nick has done normal mapping with textures for our assests, but he doesn't seem to understand what emailing screenshots to us means. Or atleast I have gotten anything so far.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wair: week 2

Jay's models of the hall with stairs and the puzzle room:

Jeff's Unity terrain of our setting:

 Jeff's dungeon concept art and Maya Model:

 And Iyan's storage room model and King Character sheet:

We all have yet to see anything from Nick.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Wair: The Purge

Iyan's awesome game doc/ impromptu game bible: 

 Waír: The Purge


Title- Waír: The Purge
Genre- Stealth-Based Puzzle Platformer

Plot-  King Alistair, is the sole remaining Waír after he killed his father. All Waír live by a “There can only be one” code and will hunt each other down in order to fulfill this. Any human with the blood of the Waír, will begin their first transformation on their 18th birthday. Knowing this King Alistair declared everyone in his kingdom must visit the castle on their 18th birthday, and for 50 years this took place with no one ever becoming a Waír, no one knows the King is a Waír and believes it to be a privilege from the King. On the present day, the Kingdom has its largest group turning 18, a result from 18 years ago, when the last war the kingdom faced had ended, reuniting soldiers with their wives. Of this group, young Celestria makes her way to the castle and joins in on the festivities. The king poisons all of the partygoers and sends them to the dungeon, in case one amongst them is a Waír. When Celestria awakes in an amnesiac state she finds everyone in the dungeon dead except for one. The survivor calls Celestria a beast and tell her what she has become, Celestria is doesn’t believes what she hears and escapes the cells via the bars that were bent in the massacre (This begins the playable game).
After Celestria makes her way through the dungeon basement, solving puzzles and eliminating the threatening guards, along the way Celestria finds clues to what has happened she comes into the banquet hall where she finds the Waír-King Alistair. During the one-sided battle the king scratches out her eyes and blinds her. The Waír king picks Celestria up and attempts to go in for the kill until his two young twin sons walk in, in attempt to hide his true form he throws Celestria threw the wall and scales the wall and out the window.
Celestria is now blinded as a Waír and can only use her hearing and smell to maneuver the castle and attempt to escape. She stealthy travels through different levels of the castle eliminating guards and avoiding detection. Celestria cannot control the transformations so she bounces back and forth between human and Waír uncontrollably; when in human form she can see, since the king damaged her eyes in Waír form. Mastering and balancing out the two different abilities of both forms Celestria makes her way through the castle until her final confrontation with the king. Now aware of her abilities and also the history of the king she is able to fight him and defeat him, and She becomes the sole Waír.

Objective- Player must travel through levels solving puzzles and avoiding detection using the two different set of abilities for Human and Waír form. When player is in Waír form, she cannot see and must use sniff ability to give a short image of what is around, and also hearing which anytime a sound (such as footsteps) is made everything in that small radius is revealed, in Waír form player can scale walls and has increased strength but cannot hold weapons. In human form player has full vision, is smaller so she can maneuver through spaces, can carry weapons and makes less noise. (In first level, player starts as human and changes to beast mode with all abilities plus sight after first confrontation with guard)

PC vs. NPC-
1.     Playable character
a.     Celestria - previously normal 17 year old girl, visiting the castle for her 18th birthday, wakes up in a dungeon as a Waír with no memory of what took place. Attempts to escape castle.

(Insert Concept Art here)

b.     Celestria (Waír) – Celestria in her Waír form

(Insert Concept Art here)

2.     Non Playable Characters

a.     King Alistair - The Sole remaining Waír, paranoid that another Waír will emerge; he forces everyone on their 18 birthday to visit the castle where he poisons them and waits to see. He is the games Antagonist as he is set out to find Celestria and kill her, he sends his guards, watch dogs, and elite hunter guards also on the man hunt.

(Insert Concept Art here)

b.     Watchdogs- The easiest of all the enemies, watchdogs usually accompany a guard and is used to sniff out player.

(Insert Concept Art here)

c.     Guard- various versions of guards with different weapons, and intermediate difficulties.

(Insert Concept Art here)

d.     Elite Hunters- the king employs a small group of Waír hunters that are amongst the highest difficulty, they are armed with silver swords and silver cross bows. Player usually cannot defeat them and must run away.

(Insert Concept Art here)

e.     Dead Bodies- the group of 18yr olds slayed by (xxxxxx) remain in the dungeon.

f.      Massacre survivor- single survivor of Celestria’s rampage, he/she informs her of what she has done
i)     Title screen

ii)    Intro

(1)  2d animated silhouette of Celestria in cell, transforming and murdering the others. A brief text scroll of story in foreground

iii)  Level 1 / demo

(1) (Cut scene) Celestria awakes. Survivor informs her of what happened she runs out of cell.
(2) Player explores first stage of level finds misc items that give evidence of what happened.
(3) player discovers locked door. Searches for key.
(4) Player searches table and finds clue
(5) Player finds exit
(6) Player enters second stage of level (hall).
(7) Player explores rooms adjacent to hall.
(8) Player finds barred door to staircase. Attempts to open until player sees guard walking down stairs.
(9) (Cut scene) Celestria hides while guard enters hall
(10)               ..
(11)               ..
(12)               ..
(13)               ..
(14)               ..
(15)               ..
(16)               ..
(17)               ..
(18)               ..
(19)               ..
(20)               ..

Torture devices

Jeff's starting dungeon area concept:

Dungeon Environment Concept

 Me and Iyan are splitting the character design, He's better at drawing female humans than me so he is drawing Celestial's human form and I take care of all the wolf based side.
One big fat lol, haha
Inital Turnaround, see I'm much better at this....

Celestials' Action Pose
Celestials' Wolf Form Turnaround

Evil Jerk King's Wolf Form Action Pose
Iyan's Character concept:

 Lastly we have Jay's map/legend/layout over view: