Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"What EEZ IT, man?"

Ren: At last I have control of your TV set. Are you receiving me? Welcome to our secret headquarters.
Stimpy: Thousands of miles beneath the earth's crust.
Ren: Shut up you fool! How do we know we can trust them?
Stimpy: We could make them take the oath!
Ren: Perfect! The oath! Put your hand on the TV screen and repeat after me. I do hereby promise only to watch the Ren and Stimpy show. To make underleg noises during the good scenes. To wear unwashed Lederhosen every single day of the rest of my life! That's it, you're in our secret club! Alright Stimpy, they're OK. Show them the stuff.
Stimpy: Congratulations...
Ren: Shut up and show them.
Stimpy: I'm showing them, I'm showing them. OK kids, its time for a secret cartoon!

 Reference Sheet