Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!!

Now presenting Ren from 2D to 3D! OMG!!

What I mostly took reference from.

Not bad I hope, still working are making Ifrit for myself. Found a concept that hasn't been created 3D-wise. Maaaaaybe if it comes out nice enough, I'll switch it out and be like: "SURPRIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!! :D"

Thursday, February 23, 2012

No longer a Z-Brush Virgin!

Not fancy, but I got pissed off at Bob Dylan's face. So I played around more or less >.>'

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I don't know why, but Maya fucking hates me and I'm about to lose my temper right now. Lighting looks all pretty and smooth in the viewport, but as soon as I go to's either a blank screen, black model, or it only shows one light if I'm lucky.
So I'll post these for now. I need to pee and eat, then maaaybe get some sleep.
 ^ What I'm getting constantly.
Bottom looked like it would be nice, nope. Instead I get the shitty stick end of life. Thanks.

Com'on I even redid my shoe!! Talk about feeling defeated.

I really do like modeling, it's fun to me now that I can do the basics and I got the UVs down, but ugh.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Finally getting somewhere...

I'm pretty sure I did most of this ass backwards, when there was a much easier way. Painting it was alot more fun then fighting with a picture and now all that needs to be done, is the lighting.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fuck Yeah Roadkill!

This has been the easiest thing to do so far, it's a bonus it's PC only too. I think I'm slow because I'm learning on a Mac -________________________________________________-