Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another update...

Shoelaces now, just need to bend them.

Le progress!

I gave up on the X-acto knife, the notches are terrible, so I'm trying to do a skaterish shoe.
I can't remember how to mesh the two together and the internet isn't helping. >.< Sigh.
It's fun, but hard at the same time, since I can't remember everything we learned in class blarrrrgh.

This took an hour to render...

Just this little crappy thing, with too much lighting yaaaaay.

So yeah there you have it. Now to finish my model...hopefully with my hair intact.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Step 1) Open

 Step 2) If you haven't died, your blood pressure is through the roof.

Okay, off to suffer some more :D